Bill Gates - Reddit

Bill Gates, stofnandi Microsoft og einn ríkasti maður heims, sat fyrir svörum á Reddit fyrr í vikunni. Þar kom hann fram í vinsælum lið síðunnar sem heitir AMA (og stendur fyrir Ask Me Anything).

Þar greindi hann m.a. frá því að hann ætti risastóra Surface tölvu, að hann hefði aldrei átt Mac tölvu og margt fleira. Hér fyrir neðan birtum við nokkrar spurningar og svör. Við ákváðum (rétt eins og með hversdagssögur af Steve Jobs) að birta svörin hans Gates á ensku, því við teljum að gildi svaranna muni glatast að einhverju leyti ef þau eru þýdd yfir á íslensku.

Þegar hann var spurður hvernig tölvu hann væri að nota:

I just got my Surface Pro a week ago and it is very nice. I am using a Perceptive Pixel display right now – huge Windows 8 touch whiteboard. These will come down in price over time and be pervasive

Um samband sitt við Steve Jobs sagði hann:

He and I respected each other. Our biggest joint project was the Mac where Microsoft had more people on the project than Apple did as we wrote a lot of applications. I saw Steve regularly over the years including spending an afternoon with him a few months before he tragically passed away…

Um samanburðinn á leitarvél Bing og Google:

Seriously Bing is the better product at this point. Try the challenge. I am biased but the work to make Bing better has been amazing.

Hvaða vandamál heimsins þyrfti að leysa, þar sem peningar myndu ekki gagnast:

It would be nice if all governments were as rational as the Nordic governments – reaching compromise and providing services broadly. The Economist had a nice special section on this last week. Africa governments have often been weak but you can’t write a check to change that. Fortunately the average quality is going up. Mo Ibrahim tracks this in a great way.

Ef Microsoft hefði ekki gengið, og hvernig meðalmaður geti lagt mest af mörkum til góðgerðarmála

If the microprocessor had NOT come along I am not sure what I would have done. Maybe medicine or theoretical math but it is hard to say. Most giving is done by the middle class so it is the backbone of generosity particularly in the United States. A key thing is to support government aid which is only 1% of the budget but helps poor countries in incredible ways.

Hvort hann hefði einhvern tímann átt Macintosh tölvu

Microsoft does a lot of software for the Mac. I mostly use Windows machines but from time to time I have tried all of Apple products.

Um hvort hann notaði Windows 7 eða Windows 8

Higher is better.

Ódýrustu hlutirnir sem veita honum mikla ánægju

Kids. Cheap cheeseburgers. Open Course Ware courses…

Hvað fólk gefur honum í afmælisgjöf, í ljósi þess að hann getur keypt hvað sem hann vill

Free software. Just kidding. Books actually.

Hvort hann muni eftir Microsoft verkefni/forriti sem hann sér eftir

We had a rich database as the client/cloud store that was part of a Windows release that was before its time. This is an idea that will remerge since your cloud store will be rich with schema rather than just a bunch of files and the client will be a partial replica of it with rich schema understanding

Af hverju börnin hans munu  „einungis“ erfa 10 milljónir dollara.

I definitely think leaving kids massive amounts of money is not a favor to them. Warren Buffett was part of an article in Fortune talking about this in 1986 before I met him and it made me think about it and decide he was right. Some people disagree with this but Melinda and I feel good about it.

Hvernig hann mælir velgengni mannúðarstarfs Bill & Melinda Gates stofnunarinnar

Our goals are focused on helping the poorest (globally) and improving education (in the US). We spend half of our money on global health. One metric to look at is reducing the number of children (under 5) who die. My annual letter talks about the amazing progress that has been made on this. Amazingly as health improves families choose to have less kids so paradoxically population growth goes DOWN as you improve health helping with almost every issue – from stability to the environment.. The Rosling video I posted on Sunday talks about this:


Heimild: Reddit
Author Ritstjórn

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