
Mac OS X 10.8.4

Apple hefur gefið út uppfærslu á Mountain Lion, sem er nú komin í útgáfu 10.8.4. Þetta verður að öllum líkindum síðasta uppfærslan fyrir stýrikerfið í ljósi þess að Apple heldur hina árlegu WWDC ráðstefnu í næstu viku þar sem Mac OS X 10.9 verður væntanlega kynnt.

Með uppfærslunni lagaði Apple ýmsar litlar villuar varðandi Microsoft Exchange, Wi-Fi tengingar og iMessage. Hægt er að sækja uppfærsluna með því að fara í App Store í tölvunni þinni eða sækja uppfærsluna héðan.

Hér fyrir neðan má sjá lista yfir þær breytingarnar sem fylgja uppfærslunni:

  • Compatibility improvements when connecting to certain enterprise Wi-Fi networks
  • Microsoft Exchange compatibility improvements in Calendar
  • A fix for an issue that prevented FaceTime calls to non-U.S. phone numbers
  • A fix for an issue that may prevent scheduled sleep after using Boot Camp
  • Improves VoiceOver compatibility with text in PDF documents
  • Includes Safari 6.0.5, which improves stability for some websites with chat features and games
  • A fix for an issue that may cause iMessages to display out of order in Messages
  • Resolves an issue in which Calendars Birthdays may appear incorrectly in certain time zones
  • A fix for an issue that may prevent the desktop background picture from being preserved after restart
  • A fix for an issue that may prevent documents from being saved to a server using SMB
  • Addresses an issue that may prevent certain files from opening after copied to a volume named “Home“
  • A fix for an issue that may prevent changes to files made over NFS from displaying
  • Resolves an issue saving files to an Xsan volume from certain applications
  • Improves Active Directory log-in performance, especially for cached accounts or when using a .local domain
  • Improves OpenDirectory data replication
  • Improves 802.1X compatibility with ActiveDirectory networks
  • Improves compatibility when using mobile accounts

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